Nuestro Equipo




Pizzero / Encargado













Nuestra Filosofía

En Pizzería Vesuvio siempre hemos buscado mantener un ambiente familiar y acogedor en nuestro establecimiento procurando que en todo momento tanto clientes como personal se sientan como en casa.

Con autenticidad y transparencia en el servicio hemos conseguido crear ese ambiente que nos caracteriza y acerca a nuestros clientes abriendo las puertas de la pizzería de par en par para que disfrutar de una excelente pizza se rodee de un ambiente acogedor, agradable y sociable.

Para ello siempre hemos intentado que el personal se quede con nosotros el máximo tiempo posible así, por ejemplo, nuestro encargado Manolo nos acompaña desde hace ya 40 años y estamos orgullosos de que así sea.

Únete y ven a disfrutar de una deliciosa pizza o un exquisito plato de pasta en un ambiente único en pleno centro de Madrid.

Te esperamos en la pizzería tradicional con más tiempo de vida de Madrid con los bazos abiertos y el horno a punto para cocinarte nuestros exquisitos platos.

What’s our purpose at Vincent? Moments of Excitement. All made possible by our flavor, innovation and, most importantly, by unlocking potential in our team members.

With more than 50 years of experience under our belts, we understand how to best serve our customers through tried and true service principles. Instead of following trends, we set them. We create food we’re proud to serve and deliver it fast, with a smile. No matter where you find us, we’re making sure each meal our customers enjoy is delicious and one-of-a-kind.

What’s our purpose at Vincent? Moments of Excitement. All made possible by our flavor, innovation and, most importantly, by unlocking potential in our team members.

With more than 50 years of experience under our belts, we understand how to best serve our customers through tried and true service principles. Instead of following trends, we set them. We create food we’re proud to serve and deliver it fast, with a smile. No matter where you find us, we’re making sure each meal our customers enjoy is delicious and one-of-a-kind.

What’s our purpose at Vincent? Moments of Excitement. All made possible by our flavor, innovation and, most importantly, by unlocking potential in our team members.

With more than 50 years of experience under our belts, we understand how to best serve our customers through tried and true service principles. Instead of following trends, we set them. We create food we’re proud to serve and deliver it fast, with a smile. No matter where you find us, we’re making sure each meal our customers enjoy is delicious and one-of-a-kind.

February 17, 2016
Kitchen Essentials

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